Striking up these conversations could change your child's future As a parent, you’re likely to feel like you know your children like the back of your hand sometimes. You know the foods they refuse to eat, and those they gobble up. You know faces they make when they’re sad, and the exclamations they make when they’re ecstatic. In short, these are the beings that you’re closest to in the entire world. However, people – including kids – are constantly changing and developing new preferences, fears, thoughts, and emotions. Therefore, to continue to know your children as well as you hope to, you need to keep asking questions to start conversations. A simple question like, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” seems like it might not offer too much insight, but if you continue to encourage a discussion about the topic, you might be surprised as to what you can learn. These conversation starters can even help develop characteristics that you think are important for your child to poss...